Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Wrap up on my research proposal

Hi everyone............

Seriuosly, that my research proposal gonna be my priority for my Masters thesis, because it is already getting the approvement from my supervisor (Dr. S), (gladly we knew our SV early) on the last Friday's evening,and also after the research proposal presentation(on Thursday) ...so, i just thought why don't I asked her opinion on my RP title, so that i just can continue on this seriuosly before i submit the RP, not just semata-mata mau hantar the assigment.he3..........
However, very unfortunate for me, didn't make to meet Dr. T on that evening....sorry Dr.T...
very last minute, i got this idea..!! God...what to do..???
I'm very glad that she is actually agree and approve my idea..because i know that my scope on the research, here in Malaysia still very rare.She gave the idea to do it at public universities or private one...well, still have time to think.. 
I just try to find as many as possible things about empowerment and teacher's job development..however..difficult maybe..instead, job satisfaction, yes very EZ...ha3!!!
It's ok....i'll make this as my biggest challenge.he3.......

Things ain't be easy..so many things to find, to study..Yuup....i'm going try my hardest then, to focus in this research...

It just i know that my research proposal isn't perfect and good..Grammar errors especially..but hoping to get higher marks..ha3
Hope my lecturer, Dr.T reads this post and understand my research proposal what's all about...

huhuhu~~~~got to go..wanna finish up my research study report..wahh still hv many things to do!!!

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